Hey folks,
Please see the announcement below regarding the Annual Her Choice Banquet. These folks are numero uno in terms of saving the lives of the unborn in the Birmingham area. There is no better local pro-life organization that you could support!
You are Cordially Invited!
Her Choice Birmingham Women's Center Fundraising Banquet
Thursday, November, 9, 2023 7:00 PM,
The Club ∙ 1 Robert S. Smith Drive, Birmingham, AL 35209
Keynote, Jor-El Godsey
President of Heartbeat International
Extending the Footprint of Life to embrace the sanctity of every life.
Please, make your reservation now, consider hosting a table of eight, or make a life-saving donation. There is no cover charge to attend but an appeal will be made to help support this work of mercy and hope. Her Choice Birmingham Women's Center, the only Pregnancy Help Center in Birmingham proper, exists to help women facing a crisis pregnancy to choose life, and to help support them with that decision. Her Choice also offers post-abortion recovery services.
To register or donate: 205.447.879 · hcbanquet@herchoicebirmingham.org www.herchoicebirmingham.org · 2120 7th Ave. South, Birmingham, Al 35233